One seed can start a garden, one candle can light a room, one step can begin a journey, one conversation can start a friendship, one smile from a handmade card can lift one's SPIRIT!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday Whimsy ~ Waxpaper Background

Hi Friends, I am enjoying playing along with Gina K on Mon. Wed and techniques, old ones, coloring and lots of fun making different cards.
Wednesday Gina used wax paper, iron and stencils to transfer the image to paper, then brushed on ink to paper...Very fun and made awesome looking backgrounds.  Here is the link to watch her video for Wednesday Whimsy with waxpaper background.

First card is a birthday card...I used DOX inks for my background 
 Gina K stencil:  Daisy Chain
Gina K:  Layered Daisies
The Greetery: Sentiment
MFT stencil:  Funky florals
Catherine Pooler inks
Hero Arts:  Butterfly Fancy die
Penny Black:  Sympathy Sentiments

Gina K stencil:  Daisy Chain
PTI:  Humming Along
Verve:  Beautiful things (sentiment)

I make cards for my church and today I received an email saying two people had died and could I please send a card to the family from the parish.  I don't believe they were Covid related, but they were elderly people.  I really could spend all day making sympathy cards, just this week I have had to send out a couple for myself and now more from the church.
I did get one birthday card today though too, so that is good.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are all doing well.
Here in Oregon we have had 102 deaths related to COVID 19 and they were all elderly and with underlying conditions.  We are still being very careful and staying away from public places, my younger daughter does my shopping for we are safe.

Heart Hugs, friends!


Marcia Hill said...

These are all sooooo pretty Colleen! What a fun technique Gina showed on Wednesday and it's on my agenda today to try...I even have 3 stencils set out to play with! I'm sorry you've had to send out so many sympathy cards lately...I've had to send out a couple lately too, but fortunately not for Covid related deaths. We've had almost 3800 deaths in Michigan from this virus but almost all of them are on the east side of the state and I'm on the west side. I still take it very seriously though and other than once a week to the grocery store (with my mask!!) I am home. Stay safe and well my friend and happy Friday! Hugs. :0)

Bonnie said...

Beautiful and uplifting, Col! Love that subtle background and how different it looks with the various colors! So many sympathy cards to send here lately too. I think sending cards and uplifting messages are so important in these days. The Internet makes it easier to keep in touch but there's nothing like holding that love in your hand.

Cathy said...

Beautiful cards, albeit for sad occasions. Those backgrounds look amazing, TFS the video link, Cathy x

JoAnn said...

Beautiful cards with those lovely backgrounds. This is a great technique that I have tried in the past. I will have to try it again thanks to your inspiration.

Loll said...

Such pretty cards Col! I have tried this technique, but used embossing folders instead of stencils. I might have to give it a try again with stencils. :) Not that my iron is easy to find ... I don't iron clothes with it! :) Sorry to hear you lost members of your congregation. There is so much sadness right now. Take care. xx