One seed can start a garden, one candle can light a room, one step can begin a journey, one conversation can start a friendship, one smile from a handmade card can lift one's SPIRIT!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Clean & Simple Day 8 - Mirroring Card

Day 8 of the Clean & Simple card class Jennifer McGuire demonstrated how to do a mirror image for one stamp...the first idea is to use versamark on a plastic sleeve and place it on your card quickly pressing it well with your fingers.  Then white heat emboss that image.  On the other side, stamp the image using versamark and white heat emboss that also.  Well, I tried that several times and every time that I used my fingers to press into the image, it made the image thicker in the lines of the stamp and it just didn't look right.  The second way to get the mirror image is to stamp using Memento black ink on the plastic sheet and immediately pressing it onto the paper...that did work better, but as Jennifer pointed out, the  image is there, just not as dark as the one on the you need to go over the lines with a fine point black pen.  As you can see, I opted for that style as it just worked better for me.  Now interestingly, I reached for a printed background paper...and then thought, oh wait, this is for a clean and simple card class...I best keep it simple and white with just a splash of that is how it ended up and I like it alot.
......I know this is another Christmas card, I just didn't have many choices for images that faced one direction to practice this technique!  So I get to chalk up another card for the stash for next Christmas!!


José said...

How clever, that mirroring. It looks great. You really got the hang of simple cards now Colleen.
What a great course!

Linda said...

Glad to see you are up running again. Nice group of cards. I really like the next two heart cards. Very CAS and very cute. I didn't get any of the mirror image cards done. They did not turn out good, so I gave up. I really didn't have any stamps either for it.